at Wildside
Here is a "remember when" page
This was a party round about 2004
Now our Karaoke parties are special events - you can book one for
If you are shy Tammy,
or Paddy or someone
will sing with you - it's great fun!
- For the novice this means you may come and sing a song for which
background music is supplied by a karaoke machine. The words to the
song you have chosen to sing are displayed on a television screen
which can be viewed easily when you are onstage.
This is a fabulous caring and nurturing environment
for first time experiences.
This is the front bay window at Wildside hidden by
the tree - it is also the stage.
Tiffany Ashley and Jamey are some of the Karaoke regulars
Samantha and Kerri, Debbie and Valerie
What does crossdressing have in common with Karaoke?
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